How do I know if I am receiving value for money with my dental treatment?

When we have nothing else to compare the value and quality of our dental treatment to apart from comparing fees, it is natural for us to presume that the cheaper the fees, the better value we receive.
However, this is not entirely true. Read on to find out why it is not, and how to find value in the dental treatments that you receive.
How do we value the price of dental treatment?
Naturally, we assume a commodity should be the same price wherever we buy it.
Until we know otherwise, it is just as natural to assume that a dental implant, a filling, a crown, a denture or just plain tooth whitening should all cost the same no matter where we go.
In many ways, a filling, a crown, a veneer or any other dental services can be compared to buying a new car.
No-one doubts why a BMW or Mercedes Benz car costs more than a similar sized car of different makes. We naturally assume that they are going to perform better, last longer, be more reliable, and have lower maintenance.
Better quality dentistry creates better results
Whenever one visits the dentist, they expect to have the problem solved, to have no pain afterwards, and to have minimal discomfort having the treatment.
Most of the time, we have forgotten about where or when a particular dental treatment was even done. That is, of course, until it either falls out, breaks or causes pain.
If we look at the average life of a crown (a cap), the Australian national average is only 8 years.
Our years of dental experience will save you in the long term
At Future Dental, we have the unique experience of having observed our patients in Cairns continuously since the mid-seventies.
Is a crown that was done thirty or forty years ago that is still functioning well the same value as a 10-15% cheaper crown that has to be re-done after 8 years or less? Then you have to pay for it all over again, usually with other complications thrown in that add to the cost and inconvenience.
Was that cheaper crown really better value over the life of your teeth….which should be your whole natural life?
When all the dentistry that is done just keeps serving reliably year in year out, suddenly you get to realise the value of very high quality dentistry and that a slightly higher fee from the outset is actually the cheapest dentistry you can ever have done.
Finding a reliable dentist in Cairns
At Future Dental, we endeavour to give our patients the highest quality dental care possible, and leave them in good dental health.
We are conveniently located in the Accent on McLeod building on McLeod Street, in the heart of Cairns. Dr Bob Gibbins and the team have decades of experience in restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, treating orofacial pain, sleep apnoea treatment and many other areas of dentistry. They are ready to assist with any of your dental needs.
If you are looking to stay in good oral health in the long term, click here to book an appointment at Future Dental.