Tooth Contouring Cairns
Tooth contouring is a conservative and minimally invasive way to improve your smile
Tooth contouring is one of few instant treatments available to treat minor flaws in your smile. The treatment is used to correct crooked, chipped or cracked teeth in just one session. It provides subtle yet immediate results. It is also a suitable treatment for you if you want your teeth to appear less crowded, without chips or fractures or without pits and grooves in the enamel. In some situations, contouring can be a substitute for braces since they make teeth look a little straighter and eliminate minor overlapping.
During your appointment, our dentist will highlight the areas that need sculpting and the contouring is performed using dental instruments and abrasion techniques. A sanding instrument is used to artfully eliminate or minimise imperfections on the surface of the teeth, and sandpaper-like strips may be used to contour the sides of the teeth. Finally, the teeth are smoothed and polished.
Dental contouring is best for patients who just need small adjustments or repairs to improve the look and feel of their teeth. It’s ideal for someone who has a tooth that is a little crooked, too pointy, or one side sticks out more than the other. However, dental reshaping and contouring are not appropriate for people with decaying teeth, root canals, or unhealthy gums. Dental x-rays may be taken before the reshaping and contouring begin to ensure that your teeth are healthy.
Often before any reshaping is done, we will colour the little bits that may be trimmed off so you can visualise the effect before anything is done to see if you would like the result. It is one of those simple little quick services that is most popular of all our cosmetic procedures and I cannot remember a case where the person was not delighted in how quick, painless and value-for-money this service is.
It is also important for patients to keep in mind that tooth contouring is not able to dramatically change the look of your smile or to make your teeth look whiter. For a more noticeable smile makeover, you may want to go with veneers. Tooth contouring only eliminates small imperfections, whereas veneers cover the entire front surface of the teeth, giving them a completely new look.
At Future Dental, we are all about preserving your natural teeth and know the importance of keeping as much enamel as possible. After undergoing dental contouring, the affected teeth may be a bit sensitive for a while but if too much enamel has been removed, you can be at risk for tooth breakage. Our principal dentist, Dr Bob Gibbins, is very experienced when it comes to improving the look of your smile and will take the utmost care.