Drug Free Migraine Treatment Cairns

Are you looking for drug-free migraine pain relief? Future Dental can help! 

Of the many different causes of migraines and tension-type headaches, severe grinding with clenching of teeth is one of the most common causes.  

Correct identification of the link between hyperactivity of masticatory (chewing or jaw muscles) and these debilitating life-changing headaches is only possible by a thorough examination of the jaw functions by a dentist well versed in this specialised area of dentistry – and we are one of them! 

Headaches, earaches, and facial aches can often be reduced with occlusal splint therapy. Future Dental’s experience in treating people with migraines and headaches dates to 1973, and we are a centre for referral by various specialists. Many different splints are available, but only an experienced practitioner who is well trained in occlusal therapy can give you the right one for your needs. 

Drug-free migraine treatment 

Clients are often referred to us for continuing investigations into migraine pain. One of the more common causes of chronic or episodic migraine is hyperactivity of the masticatory muscles.  

With over 40 years’ experience of assessing these joints and muscles, this has been an area of particular interest to Dr Bob Gibbins. 

All chronic migraine cases require thorough medical investigation usually commencing with your dentist or GP doctor. Many will require specialist referral and various radiography tests and MRIs. Should these fail to localise and manage the cause, hyper-activity of the muscles of mastication and supporting muscles of the head and neck need investigation.  

Severe Bruxism (grinding and clenching of the teeth) is a common factor and is managed by the use initially of Myofunctional Therapy in our office and sometimes low-level laser therapy and followed by physiotherapy and other body workers. We have a network of allied health professionals with whom we work and to whom we regularly refer. 

We may in chronic cases where the pain pattern has become deep-seated and with a psycho-social component, even advise the need to refer for relaxation therapy, hypnosis and other related techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom training), BWRT (Brain Working Recursive Therapy) or CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).  

It may sound instinctive, but about 2/3 of the population have learnt incorrect breathing techniques since their first breath, and breathing training is a very useful adjunct to chronic pain management. We have several sources where breathing therapy is available. 

Following these procedures, we will frequently need to make custom dental splints of various types depending on each individual. 

At times, we may advise you to consider hypnosis to reduce the habit of grinding of your teeth usually in your sleep. We work closely with a clinical psychologist who specialises in medical hypnosis.

Occlusal Therapy in Cairns

If you are prone to migraine attacks, you know how much relief and prevention would mean to you. Contact Future Dental today to see if we can make your world a little less painless and a whole lot brighter. 

Muscle relaxant injections

Muscle relaxant injections are the usual last line of management. These are only administered when we have indicated a strong link between migraine and these orofacial structures, may we be able to administer muscle relaxant injections to these muscles to alleviate the symptoms or eliminate these headaches. This typically will give three to four months of relief and will need to be repeated probably every three months to prevent recurrence. Most people understand quite high doses of these relaxant drugs are costly especially if the procedure requires regular repetition. 

For Chronic Migraine sufferers, (15 or more days a month) we will likely refer you for treatment by a Neurologist, who can administer these muscle relaxant injections under Medicare coverage. 

Future Dental typically reduces the unit fee for these unfortunate people given the very large doses required and frequent need to redo it all, however, the benefits to sufferers can be life-changing when debilitating headaches have ruled their lives. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is occlusal splint therapy?

Occlusal splint therapy involves the use of a custom-made dental splint designed to alleviate stress on the jaw muscles, reducing the hyperactivity that can lead to migraines, tension-type headaches, and bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching). The splint, tailored specifically to fit your bite, helps realign the jaw, distribute forces evenly across the teeth, and protect against excessive wear. By wearing the splint, typically at night, patients can experience relief from chronic pain, improved jaw function, and reduced muscle tension, making it an effective, non-invasive treatment for managing migraine symptoms and related conditions.

What role does occlusal therapy play in migraine relief?

Occlusal therapy can play a significant role in migraine relief, particularly when migraines are associated with dental issues such as bruxism or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The therapy focuses on correcting problems with the bite or dental occlusion that may be contributing to muscle tension and strain in the jaw, neck, and head. This is achieved through the use of custom-made occlusal splints or bite guards designed to alleviate pressure on the jaw joints and muscles. By improving the alignment of the bite and reducing muscle strain, occlusal therapy can help decrease the frequency and severity of migraines. Patients may experience relief as the underlying dental issues are addressed, leading to reduced muscle tension and fewer headache symptoms.

How does Future Dental diagnose the cause of my migraines?

Future Dental diagnoses the cause of your migraines through a comprehensive examination that focuses on your jaw functions and muscle activity. They begin with a thorough assessment of your medical history and symptoms, followed by a detailed evaluation of your jaw joints, bite alignment, and muscle tension. If necessary, they may coordinate with your GP or specialists for additional tests like radiography or MRI scans to rule out other potential causes. By identifying whether hyperactivity in the jaw muscles or bruxism (teeth grinding) is contributing to your migraines, they can tailor a treatment plan that addresses the underlying issue.

How can I determine if my migraines are related to dental issues?

Determining if your migraines are related to dental issues involves a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional. Start by tracking your migraine symptoms, frequency, and triggers in a headache diary. Pay attention to any patterns that correlate with dental issues, such as teeth grinding, jaw clenching, or misalignment. Consult with your dentist or an oral specialist who can examine your dental health, including the alignment of your teeth and jaw, and check for signs of bruxism (teeth grinding). They may use diagnostic tools like occlusal analysis or imaging to identify any dental conditions that could be contributing to your migraines. A multidisciplinary approach involving both dental and medical professionals can provide a clearer understanding of whether your migraines are related to dental problems.

What drug-free treatments does Future Dental offer for migraines?

Future Dental offers a range of drug-free treatments for migraines, particularly those linked to jaw muscle hyperactivity and bruxism (teeth grinding). These treatments include:

  • Myofunctional Therapy: Exercises designed to retrain the muscles of the face, tongue, and neck, helping to alleviate strain on the jaw muscles.
  • Occlusal Splint Therapy: Custom-made dental splints that reduce pressure on the jaw muscles, potentially relieving migraines and related symptoms.
  • Low-Level Laser Therapy: A non-invasive treatment that targets hyperactive muscles, reducing inflammation and promoting healing.
  • Physiotherapy: Collaboration with physiotherapists to address muscle tension and improve overall function, reducing migraine frequency and intensity.
  • Breathing Training: Techniques to correct improper breathing habits, which can help in managing chronic pain, including migraines.
  • Psychological Therapies: In some cases, treatments such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT), and hypnosis may be recommended to address underlying stress or behavioural factors contributing to migraines.

These treatments are tailored to each patient’s needs and can be combined to provide comprehensive migraine relief without the use of medication.

What are the most effective non-medical treatments for migraines?

Non-medication treatments for migraines focus on lifestyle changes and alternative therapies to manage and reduce migraine symptoms. Some of the most effective non-medication treatments include:

  1. Lifestyle Modifications: Identifying and avoiding migraine triggers such as certain foods, stress, and lack of sleep can help reduce migraine frequency.
  2. Dietary Adjustments: Incorporating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding known dietary triggers can help manage migraines.
  3. Stress Management: Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and regular physical activity can lower stress levels, which is a common migraine trigger.
  4. Biofeedback: This technique teaches you to control physiological functions such as muscle tension and heart rate, which can help reduce migraine symptoms.
  5. Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese therapy involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate migraine pain and frequency.
  6. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT can help manage the psychological aspects of migraines by addressing stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns.
  7. Massage Therapy: Regular massages, especially around the neck and shoulders, can reduce muscle tension and alleviate migraine symptoms.
  8. Physical Therapy: Targeted exercises and therapies can address posture issues and muscle imbalances that contribute to migraines.

These non-medication treatments can be used alone or in combination with other therapies to provide effective migraine relief. Consulting with healthcare providers can help tailor a treatment plan that is suitable for individual needs.

Make an Enquiry

  • Phone (07) 4051 4580
  • Fax (07) 4031 5226
  • Email info@futuredental.com.au
  • Address Ground Floor "Accent on McLeod"
    93-95 McLeod St

    Cairns QLD 4870
  • Hours
    Monday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Tuesday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Wednesday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Thursday8:00am - 5:00pm
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