How to maintain your oral health

Prevention is key when it comes to taking proper care of your oral health.
The June holidays are here! Take the opportunity to reassess your health by coming in to see us for a dental check-up, stocking up on the best oral hygiene products, and getting the treatment you need. Here’s how to make sure that you stay on track with your oral health…
Get your dental hygiene right
It’s no secret that dental hygiene is key when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums healthy, so it’s important that you commit to a stringent routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and don’t forget to floss once a day. Sticking to a healthy, balanced diet also goes a long way in maintaining your oral (and overall) health. If you need help perfecting your oral hygiene habits, don’t hesitate to chat with our team. We are able to provide a range of educational services, including brushing and flossing instructions, personalised oral home care regime recommendations, nutrition counselling and education about your particular risk factors for oral health problems.
Come in for a check-up
Going for regular dental check-ups is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your oral health, and we recommend that you come in and see us every six months. When you come in for a check-up, we will evaluate your gum tissue to check for signs of gum disease, and look for any other issues such as dental decay. We will also clean your teeth by removing all plaque and tartar that has built up over time, and remove any surface stains caused by food and drink. If you need any advice about how to improve your oral home care regime, this is the perfect time to speak to one of our experienced dentists and raise any issues or concerns you might have.
Choose the right products
Ongoing and consistent oral hygiene is an essential part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy, which is why it is so important that you choose the correct products for your daily regime. We recommend using a good quality toothbrush to brush your teeth. Flossing should form part of your daily routine, so be sure to stay stocked up and teach your kids to floss from an early age. To keep your breath fresh and your mouth feeling clean for longer, use a mouthwash after brushing.
To see the range of oral hygiene products that we stock, take a look here.
Replace old fillings
If you have old amalgam fillings, you might consider coming in to have them replaced. Amalgam fillings can cause cracks in teeth, so we prefer to remove and replace them with a more modern alternative. The longer you leave your amalgam fillings in place, the higher the risk so we encourage you to come in for a replacement sooner, rather than later.
Bring the kids
Don’t forget to bring in your kids into Future Dental for their regular check-ups as well. We encourage you to bring in your little ones from around the age of two to three years old, and we even have two dentists on our team who are specially trained to treat our youngest patients. Also, let us know if your child is eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, which covers a wide range of dental services, including regular check-ups and professional cleans, x-rays, fissure sealants, extractions, fillings and IV sedation.
Read more about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule here.
If you are ready to make an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.